Onboarding is important to help new starters feel welcomed, acclimate to the new environment and enabling them to integrate seamlessly into the organisation and become effective contributors. In fact, a recent study has shown that employees that are engaged in their onboarding process are 69% more likely to stay with the company for a minimum of three years.

Historically, onboarding was done in the in-person, however due to recent technological advancements and the evolving ways of working, this isn’t always possible or the most effective approach. Here are our top tips to ensure a smooth onboarding process both in-person and virtually:

Be prepared

Organise their equipment, get them set up on the system, prepare written guides etc. ahead of their first day so that they can hit the ground running.

Meet the team

Create meet the team documents that brings roles and responsibilities of the team to life! Include fun facts about the individual and contact details. This will be useful if working remotely, but also to refer back to during their first few weeks in-person.

Share the vision

Allow new starters to get the feel for their new Company. Share mission, vision and values and bring to life by explaining how their role contributes. Talk about the future of the Company – get them excited and inspired.

Set expectations

Outline what is expected of them and when by. This gives them goals to work towards and transparency in what you will be looking for.

Encourage feedback

Provide lots of feedback – they will want to know how they are doing! But two way feedback is very important. Encourage feedback from them on how their first few weeks have been, what was done well, what could have been better etc.


Don’t forget about their wellbeing! New roles can be daunting and there is a lot to take in. Check-in, ensure they are managing ok and adjust approach/support if needed.

Daily 1:1s

Even if it is just ‘hello’, check-in on how they are doing and ask if there is anything further you can do to support. Remember, you are not ‘checking up’ on them – the purpose is regular catch-ups, not micromanagement.

Buddy system

Designate a ‘buddy’ – a colleague that they can go to for guidance if needed. Help them to feel welcome.

Don’t be afraid to over-communicate

It will be better for you to be able to take a step back once they are settled, than to have to step in due to poor performance, wellbeing or the threat of exit later down the line. It will also help them forge a trusting relationship with you, as their manager, quicker.

Put in the time!

Your new starter will greatly appreciate the time and effort you have put into the process. We guarantee that you will see a return on this investment of time with a more engaged and productive team member, that is more likely to stay with you!

Anna Cornwallis
24th January 2023

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